GSE: GSE150911 GSE Title: Using RNAseq for identifying hepatic genes invo... Xenbase Article Id: XB-ART-57563 Pubmed Id: 33234375 Download Location: NGS Data: RNA-Seq Folder Descriptions: BigWigs: .bw files in the folder represent binary format of mapped read intensity in the genome. These files can be used for visualization purposes. ExpressionFiles: Genes_TPM_Matrix.txt and Genes_Counts_Matrix.txt provide TPM and raw counts of genes across samples respectively. DE_Analysis: Differential Expression results between conditions. LogFC and FDR values can used to obtain differentially expressed genes. Track # Track Name BigWig Control Track # DE-Analysis GSMs 23175 liver - adult F1 GSM4560793,GSM4560794,GSM4560795,GSM4560796,GSM4560797 23176 liver - adult F2 GSM4560804,GSM4560805,GSM4560806,GSM4560807,GSM4560808 23177 liver + ancestral Benzo(a)pyrene exposure - adult F1 23175 SRR11816742_vs_SRR11816747.txt GSM4560798,GSM4560799,GSM4560800,GSM4560801,GSM4560802,GSM4560803 23178 liver + ancestral Benzo(a)pyrene exposure - adult F2 23176 SRR11816753_vs_SRR11816738.txt GSM4560809,GSM4560810,GSM4560811,GSM4560812,GSM4560813