GSE: GSE72657 GSE Title: Tissue- and stage-specific cellular context reg... Xenbase Article Id: XB-ART-52077 Pubmed Id: 27068107 Download Location: NGS Data: ChIP-Seq Folder Descriptions: BigWigs: .bw files in the folder represent binary format of mapped read intensity in the genome. These files can be used for visualization purposes. Called_Peaks: Peak calls per sample are obtained using MACS2 Track # Track Name BigWig Control Track # Called Peaks GSMs 1683 input WE - NF10.25 GSM1867401_1683_narrowPeaks.bed GSM1867401 1687 beta Catenin WE - NF10.25 1683 GSM1867400_1687_narrowPeaks.bed GSM1867400